Go Mobile lyrics - Altimet
Lets Go Mobile….
You got to live it up..
Verse 1
Terus bergerak,
Langkah diorak,
Mengikut rentak
Dari Kota, Darah muda
Tak takut gagal, Berani mencuba
Dunia baru, Milik aku
Jalan seribu pilihlah satu
Sehingga mencapai apa dicita
Impian hasil kerengat kita
You got to live it up
Sing it right
A brand new day is callin’
Lets not keep it stallin’
Verse 2
Go with the flow
Let the music take control
Just take it slow
Come on and make it show
What’s it all about
When the power is in your hand
What you waiting for
Come on people lets Go..

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